
4F Permanent exhibition hall Ⅰ

The documents on forced mobilization under Japanese Occupation

As the museum aims to deliver the truth about the buried history, it comprises diverse venues to convey what history says through relics and photos, and operates a variety of programs in such as documentary videos, animation, etc. for visitors to participate.

4F 상설전시실Ⅰ 시설안내로 안내데스크, 1-기억의 터널, 2-일제 강제동원의 시작, 3-일제강제동원의 실체, 4-해방과 귀환, 5-끝나지 않은 일제 강제동원, 6-피해자 기증자 기념공간으로 구성

Visitor Circulation

  • 1Tunnel of memory
  • 2The beginning of forced mobilization under Japanese Occupation
  • 3The truth about forced mobilization under Japanese Occupation
  • 4South Korea's liberation and return
  • 5Forced mobilization under Japanese Occupation left undone
  • 6Memorial venue for victims and donors

5F Permanent Exhibition Hall II & ,
Symbolic Sculpture

Share Memories to Cure History

This exhibition hall is a space to experience the field of forced mobilization under Japanese occupation. In addition to displaying related relics, experiential & complex exhibition methods such as represented models get the atmosphere in the mobilization spot here, so that visitors can share the mobilized victims’ feelings.

상설상설전시실Ⅱ, 상징조형물 시설안내로 1-강제동원 과정, 2-조선인 노무자 숙소, 3-탄광, 4-중·서부 태평양 전선, 5-일본군 위안소, 6-귀환, 7-시대의 거울로 구성

Visitor’s Circulation

  • 1Process of Forced Mobilization
  • 2Dormitory for Joseon laborers
  • 3Coal Mine
  • 4The Middle Western Pacific Ocean front
  • 5Japanese Military Brothel
  • 6Return
  • 7Mirror of the Era