UN Peace Memorial Hall

- Location106,Honggok-ro 320beon-gil, Nam-Gu, Busan, South Korea (Zip code: 48532)
- Contact(+82)-51-901-1400
- Websitehttp://www.unpm.or.kr/
- Opening Hour10 am – 6 pm

UN Peace Memorial Hall was established for purposes to pay tribute to noble spirit of UN Forces who sacrificed themselves to keep Korea’s freedom and peace, and to develop projects related world peace. Activities to inherit & share the spirit of sacrifice with every state wish freedom & peace are what this organization focuses on.
UN Peace Memorial Hall, as a non-governmental subject of UN SPC Zone work, demonstrates its capabilities to lead various peace works such as internationalization education programs, exchange work between war-participated states, support for international cooperation. By this, UN Peace Memorial hall aims that Busan becomes a remarkable center of world peace & nongovernmental diplomacy with UN, and that ultimately UN’s peace-wishing spirit thrives more well.
Purpose of Establishment

South Korea have stood on the agony & ruin of war and succeeded development as today, and at the heart is noble sacrifice by UN Forces soldiers. Gratitude for them shall be larger as much as this country’s advance in future.
However, memories of terrible pain in Korean war has been blurred as 6 decades went by, and on these days, the war is unfortunately remained as a clause in school textbook for the next generations. Therefore, UN Peace Memorial Hall was built to be an educational place where impresses the realistic meaning of war & the ceasefire agreement on the descendants, and to be a grateful place where delivers the sacrifice of soldiers. For those purposes, remembrance projects such as investigation, exhibits & publication will be conducted exalt honor of UN Forces soldiers & this country.
Also, this memorial hall will constantly deliberate and seek ways to expand the solidarity of peace, taking key role at various activities like educational/cultural events to succeed and develop the will of peacekeeping & sacrifice.
Works in Promotion

In addition, UN Peace Memorial Hall hopes to be an international well-known place where represents peace or world, with the only UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea & UN SPC Zone
We will be the closest portal to young people on this peninsula, and through this gateway they will have ability to go beyond boundaries and realize UN’s determination of peacekeeping continuously.
As the cornerstone for international exchange projects & human resources fostering, UN Peace Memorial Hall is undertaking several UN-related occasions & activities. Thus, we improve peace-building & peace-keeping in UN SPC Zone & the only UN Memorial Park, promote official development assistance (ODA) & UN Millennium Development Goas (UN MDGs), and conduct researches on green growth.
Getting Here
By Subway
- 2Get off at Daeyeon (Line 2) and transfer to bus
By Bus
- Take Busan city bus No. 68, No. 134, or No. 183 and get off at UN Park (UN Gongwon) bus stop
- Take local bus No. 9 or No. 10 and get off at UN Park (UN Gongwon) bus stop